Entries by MP Sports Physicians

Exercise and diabetes type 1, what you should know!

By Dr Mona Shabghareh In patients with diabetes type one, the Pancreas’ ability to produce insulin is impaired. Therefore, this type of diabetic patients needs insulin replacement therapy to maintain their blood glucose level in the normal range. It is critical to take a proper dose of insulin to prevent hypo-glycemia or low blood glucose […]

Generalized Hypermobility

When should I be concerned? Article written by Dr Mona Shabghareh Basically a hyper mobile joint means a joint that can move easily beyond its normal expected range and having more than two hyper mobile joints is called generalized hyper mobility. Although having hyper mobile joints is very common especially in young females and it […]


Sciatica is an all-encompassing term to describe pain felt in the leg referred from a spinal source. Technically, it implies involvement of the sciatic nerve or of its nerve roots at the spine. When this occurs, the pain is described as lancinating, burning and severe. The patient will be able to draw a line with […]


Anti inflammatories are one of the most effective medication groups for the treatment of musculoskeletal injury and pain. As with all medications, they do have potential side effects. As with all medications they can be used safely, but with care. Issues with anti inflammatories 1. Tummy upset. Prolonged use of these tablets can cause gastritis, […]

I have arthritis …..or do I?

I have arthritis …..or do I? Most people with pain on the outside of their hip think they have arthritis. Although this is sometimes the case, there are a number of other potential causes, many of which are curable without surgery or prolonged interference with your daily life. Where else could the pain be coming […]

ACSEP conference

Great to see the MP Sports Physicians team together at the ACSEP conference last week. Dr Leesa Huguenin presented fellowships to Dr Sachin Khullar and Dr Danielle Hope. Well done!

St Kilda AFLW News

St Kilda fielded an AFLW team for the very first time last Sunday. After a valiant effort, they unfortunately went down to the western bulldogs. Our very own Leesa and Danielle will be on the bench providing medical support all season.