Lateral hip pain treatment.
Dr Danielle Hope is involved with a world first trial for the treatment of lateral hip pain backed by La Trobe University.
Do you have lateral hip pain lying on your side, walking up and downstairs or sitting in low chairs? Have you been diagnosed with greater trochanteric pain syndrome, gluteal tendinopathy or trochanteric bursitis? This study investigates the effects of both exercise and hormone therapy for the treatment of lateral hip pain. Eligible participants will be randomised into one of four groups for 12 weeks of treatment. These treatments are aiming to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life. There is no cost to you for participating in the study.
For further information, please visit
Participants can be referred into the trial from any medical or allied health professional. Recruitment for this project will continue throughout 2015 and 2016. For more information on the GLoBE Trial contact the chief investigator, Charlotte Ganderton by phone (03) 9479 1389, email or Twitter @GLoBEHip