Entries by MP Sports Physicians

Dr Chris Hasenkam – Pace Health Management

Last Friday Dr Chris Hasenkam presented to the team at Pace Health Management, talking all things gluteal tendinopathy. The inservice was informative for both the team of exercise physiologists and Chris himself, going from differential diagnosis and workup, through to all aspects of management, with a focus on exercise and education of course! Thanks to […]


Did you know that after menopause, the lack of oestrogen in the female body makes our risk of medical illness similar to males? Without the protective effects of oestrogen, our risk of hypertension and heart disease increases. Not only that, but our bones start to lose density and strength as well. The good news is […]

Benefits of weight bearing exercise

Weight bearing exercise includes walking, running and jumping. Cycling and swimming are not considered weight bearing but do have multiple health benefits. The big difference with weight bearing is the forces through the bones. The force of impact results in tiny mechanical electrical signals being sent in the bones. These signals tell the bone cells […]


Unfortunately, as our reliance on technology increases, so does the incidence of thoracic spine pain and pain referred from the thoracic spine. The basic issue is postural overload. More specifically, compression through the spine in prolonged flexion postures, lack of lower rib excursion in breathing and strength loss as a result of sedentary lifestyles. Fortunately, […]

Does your menstrual cycle affect your ability to exercise?

Does your menstrual cycle affect your ability to exercise? Or, are you interested in understanding it better? Dr Alice McNamara is currently doing her Sports Medicine Research into menstrual cycle tracking and elite female athletes. During the last few weeks, she has been involved presenting to the Victorian Institute of Sport Athletes and Coaches with […]


Iron deficiency is much more common in athletes, particularly female athletes. Menstrual blood loss is one factor, but we also use iron in muscle growth and repair. This is not a problem if your dietary intake can keep up, but red meat is the best available source of iron and it can be hard to […]


Shoulder impingement can be divided into functional and structural. The usual presentation of functional impingement is someone under 40 years of age. They will commonly be involved in overhead sports such as tennis, swimming, gymnastics of football. They may have a history of instability of the shoulder or have generalised ligamentous laxity. Essentially, impingement occurs […]


Unfortunately, just because the pain has gone, it doesn’t mean that the bone is strong enough to run or resume sport. Bone strengthens through load. After a stress fracture, it needs to be gradually reloaded to allow the force lines to strengthen and prevent further damage. You can start some strengthening quite early and then […]

Does exercise weaken or boost your immune system?

Written by Dr DR MONA SHABGHAREH Every day our immune system protect us from a lot of pathogenic microbes and viruses that we are constantly exposed to. Immune function can be influenced by many factors such as genetics, stress, aging, nutrition, sleep and physical activity level. Recent researches have revealed that a person’s level of […]